Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Funniest Video ever (Britney Spears)


Overall, they have pretty good video editing skills, and the background musics are good. If you look closely, the person acting Britney Spears really has a good makeup that makes him looks exactly like her (Britney). Well, he already does look a bit like her. However, the video is not really logical after all. They lack some sort of common sense, but that's contribute to the humor of the video.

As you will notice, this is made by people from our school. I just wonder is this for a class project or not. Basically, I think people in our school is full of creativity and that's a good thing. WE SHOULD MAKE OUR OWN GREAT HISTORY, AND THE ONLY WAY TO MAKE IT MORE FUN IS TO BE CREATIVE AND DARING.

extra information:
According to my fine tracking (and stalking) skills, this video was originally for a project for their Mandarin class. They're are in Mandarin class (not Mandarin Writing) and have the teacher Ms. Yoshida.

1 comment:

  1. good job quoting the blind dude. Good post? no.
