Monday, December 7, 2009


Thank you everyone for the awesome participation in order to determine the level of media corruption. Seems like all of you think deeply negative of our ex-leader, very serious media corruption indeed. Anyhow, it was a great pleasure to watch fellow comrades of mine fall into such wiliness trap of mine. This has proved to be a giant step of my path becoming a successful CIA agent. You are all welcome to comment what an ass I am, i really don't mind :). Now that I know how medially corrupted students in TAS are, I will be capable to further support my future political essays. This fb page/ account will be deleted within 10 days in order to prevent the possibleness of a lawsuit. I thank you very much for falling into decieveness, and have a "Marry" X'mas. Love you all comrades, and as always: DEMOCRACY, LONG LIVE AND PROSPER! P.S.: chen, i am sorry for the identity theft, may we, and all dpp members, to fight for independence in this time of dark ignorance". My friends, farewell :) -EDDIE YOU


  1. Heh, Eddie(you posted the name yourself),

    I thought of you the second Stanley told me Chen Sua Bian added him. After investigating the comments posted by you, my assumption was further proven because only Steve, Philip, Thomas, Stanley, and you are idiotic enough to do such a thing.

    Steve and Philip would be busy doing other things.

    Thomas would be 毛澤東 instead of Chen Sua Bien.

    Stanley would attempt to trick us into giving him money and apparently the account didn't do that.

    We were left with you.

    [ Ask the others to confirm that I did not just made it up - I told them about my assumption ]

  2. great job... and idiotic is of course a form of extreme art :)
