Sunday, May 2, 2010

Hiked: 05/02/10

A Long Journey to Retrieval
As I tried downloading a clip of Lakers highlights through Megaupload this morning, the site told me to type in my user name and password. This is unusual because they were memorized automatically by Megaupload months ago, and as I filled in the boxes and tapped enter, a pop-up popped up and said wrong username and password... that was when I finally realized I got hacked... So I spent the next 2 hours trying to retrieve my account by contacting Megaupload multiple times, but only to receive an email requesting me to send over proofs or evidence of purchase (btw, a lifetime premium account is $199USD), so I did, now all I can do is wait..

I called Chris and told him to get over here and do a hike with me into Yang Ming Shan. He came over at 2:00pm and we set out at 2:15. We followed a steep slope up the mountain originating from a road close to Steve's house, and then when the road began to decrease in width, they became hard to walk on with all the weeds and sticks in the way. I brought with me a day pack including a full 1 liter Nalgene water bottle. Chris was let prepared and had to get water from me throughout the trip. We hiked to 文化大學 after going through a few different trails and came down on the 天母古道. By the time we reached home, it was already 5:40pm, the trip was tiresome, but well worth the effort and time spent.
Me Putting an old Kodak camera into good use:

Easy in, Easy out.

Who is he?

Mmmm, I'm confused.

A New Beginning
Tomorrow, Jazz @ Lakers Game one will erupt in the sell-out Staples Center. The Road to Repeat continues, Jazz's team statistics are a little down from last year, so since we owned the Jazz team last year, this year's Jazz shouldn't be too hard to clean-up. According to ESPN Sports, Andrew Bynum was reported to have a tear in his knee, but the tear shouldn't be too severe because he has been playing with a small tear for the whole season and now the very small tear only turned into a "small" tear. Game 1 starts at 3:30am tomorrow morning, let us all miss a night of sleep for a very good cause,
the moment is here,
let us dine and shine.

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