Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Hark, fellow VOR-member/person-who-is literate-and-has-possession-of-computer-and-is-currently-wasting-time-on-the-Internet:

Following a year-long hiatus in blog activity in 2009, we have seen a brief resurgence in frontal lobe activity (albeit quite busy and, frankly, progressively filled with trash posts). However, we have once again elapsed into the busy void of essential brain-death. Schoolwork, drug use, and other mundane distractions (maybe not drugs) have slaughtered our inner rebels and placed us under the charm of complacency.

Comrades, here I promulgate this call to intellectual arms! Break free, once again, of the chains of conventional wisdom. Speak out against the injustice of the world (and the things that people think aren't injustices, and the things that people think are but really aren't). Stoke that great flame once more.

Of course, I fully urge all posters to refrain from sharing material more suitable for Facebook or other prole-feed sites. If you try burning wasted tires in the great VOR flame, you will be greeted with toxic fumes (and if you burn expensive antique furniture... wait, scratch that analogy). In addition, I personally think the general format is currently a bit messy, especially the rather disorganized labelling system. These issues shall be tackled once this blog sees significant participation.

May the fire light our way for the entire night.


  1. The fire of hope will always be lit inside our hearts, metaphorically, if not literally.

  2. eat peas...get green!

    ho, ho, ho,
    Jolly Green Giant
