Thursday, November 26, 2009

N. Korea's Kim says China friendship 'unbreakable'

Article Via The China Post

Yesterday, during a visit of Chinese defense minister to NK, North Korea's leader told the press that the relationship between China and North Korea will be forever "unbreakable". Even though the North's nuclear tests had slightly soured ties between the two countries.
North's Leader Kim Jong II told Xinhua news press that "a treasure inherited from the older generations of the leaders of the two countries, had stood the test of history and was unbreakable". He also stated that this year is the celebration of Friendship year, and to extend the continuing work of strengthening bilateral ties.
The two countries are close since China fought alongside with North Korea during the Korean War of 1950-1952, and China still remains a major supplier of aid, food, and oil for North Korea.
During the six-party talks China aimed at trying to end the North's nuclear program by opening more energy and aid resources for the country. But such plans were stalled after complaints from the North were demanding.

Each week, under politics of multiple news websites' seems to be filled with articles in a sense relating to the North. This of course is not due to the boredom of the publishers, but because of the North's inability to become trustworthiness. And one of the major reasons that the North can still continue to stick with their unseemly agenda is because of the "big hand", China, endlessly supportability towards North's backbone. Without China, the North will have to try increasing their arm sell towards poorer countries (Iran, Myanmar...etc). Or give up some of their dictatorial behaviors in order to have their international sanctions lifted. So yes, China does play an important key in the survival of this country, and what's worrying not only the UN and US, but also east Asia, is the unavailability of necessary protection needed with the North capable of reaching help towards China. Kim Jong II made it extremely clear, both countries' tie will not break tomorrow, next year, or anytime soon, which is why a country like North will be able to cause continuous disharmony and threat towards the other Asian countries. Also, this provides interference and distraction as the world and international organizations tried to focus on global issues such as stoppage of global warming and reducing numbers of countries in poverty. And there is nothing we can do, until China wakes up from their deeply drugged Communism government. Showing my greatest support towards the great saying: We hold
a vigil of reason for the world in this dark night of ignorance, and we shall continue withhold the forever spirit of democracy. Democracy, LIVE LONG AND PROSPER!!

lol, guys i think i pwned the last part, i copied partially from the "famous" vor saying..."we hold a vigil of reason for the world in this dark night of ignorance...". LOL, Mr. brown will be like WTF. :) good job vor.


  1. Good job at another delusional liberal-bourgeois post!

  2. We hold a vigil of reason for the world in this dark night of ignorance, and we shall continue withhold the forever spirit of democracy. Democracy, LIVE LONG AND PROSPER!!

    long live VOR....... :)

