Saturday, October 10, 2009

We'll be Back Onto the Moon

At US time 4:31 a.m. Pacific time (7:31 a.m. Eastern time), one piece of the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite, LCROSS, slammed into the bottom of a crater at 5,600 miles per hour, excavating about 350 metric tons of the moon and leaving behind a hole about 65 feet wide, 13 feet deep. (from NYTimes)

so now i suppose we'll be back on the track of exploring the Moon....because there is claimed to be hydrogen down the craters....

hola!...moon aliens!


  1. lol. but how do you know that there are moon aliens??? and why are they slamming millions of dollars into trash against the moon??

  2. by the way, thomas is not posting due to his departure of 3 days to Mars (Pingdon)

  3. sure....
    and since there are Martian migrates, I suppose their is Moon aliens.....

    into trash, no of course not.....there are detectors or cameras on the crashing thingy

  4. It is not trash. They are testing to further determine the lunar composition along the pole.

  5. no Thomas, they are testing if there is water or anything else on the moon. they slam the rocket onto the surface and which will create dust, and then they analyze the components in the dust particles. That's what I heard when CNN played what NASA was saying during the mission.

  6. Yes, analyzing the components would reveal information about the composition...
