Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"BIG" Meal

Taipei is hosting an NBA game just a few days later. In a news article of Yahoo! Taiwan, it shows how the food of those NBA players are prepared. For those "supersized" humans, the staff provides food that is twice or three times bigger than normal. As an example, the steak prepared is much thicker than a 50 N.T. holding straight. Also, it is said that the supersized hamburger has a size bigger than a normal female's face. More examples are written in the article.



  1. dude the link doesn't even work... u have to copy and paste it

  2. Though it looks good, it seems much smaller than what you could get in the US.

  3. this is like visual defection.Look at the size of the broccoli behind it (unless it is a massive one).
