Friday, October 2, 2009

Aung San Suu Kyi appeals house arrest

Aung San Suu Kyi appeals house arrest

Article From CNN.


Two weeks ago, well-known pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi tried appealing her 18-month house arrest to the high court of Myanmar on Friday, the time when the nation’s ruling junta gave freedom to thousands of other political prisoners.

Saturday will be the day that the government will announce the decision of whether Suu Kyi will be freed from home confinement or not. The government will be releasing around 7000 prisoners on Friday if they show good conduct and discipline.

A Human Rights organization estimates there are 2100 political prisoners in Myanmar, and Aung Sun Suu Chi is one of the most well-known under captive. She had spent the last 14 of the 20 years in Burma under house arrest. The U.N Security Council has expressed “serious” concerns over the fairness of the government and the European Union added additional sanctions against the country. Journalist Aung Zaw stated that the chance of the release of Aung San Suu Kyi is indeed very slim, since the regime wants to prevent her from participating in the Myanmar 2010 elections.

Due to her unstopping support for human rights, she had become an iconic face of democracy in her home land and around the world. Her house arrest date extended when a man named John Williams broke into his house months ago just to warn her about something bad is about to happen.

She stated that she didn't want to report Yettaw to the authorities because she didn't want him to get into trouble.


We know that Aung Sung Suu Kyi is a hardcore supporter for human rights, she is a the founder and the leader of the NLD (National League for Democracy). Due to her persuit towards freedom and human rights, she was placed under house arrest for the 14th year of her last 20 in Myanmar. She was disallowed to meet her party supporters and international visitors since she is considered bad influence according to the government. I really think it is about time that she is to be freed from the government, she had been under house arrest for 14 years and even the government didn't have a good reason to hold her in captive anymore. She should definitely be freed when October 2 comes, because if she is not, this will cause another global shudder to the world. More sanctions will be placed upon Myanmar and it's international relationships will be even more fragile. What I found funny was the reason that the regime continued to place Suu Kyi underhouse arrest. The reason that the regime stated was due to the the illicit house entering of an uninvited man named John Williams. The man managed to swim into her backyard and enter. Isn't this hilarious that it was Suu Kyi's fault instead of the governments? In case you didn't know, the house of Suu Kyi was extremely heavily guarded, so does this mean that the man got in without the gaurds noticing?? So what are the purposes of the guards? Had they fallen asleep? Are they just standing there just to prevent Suu Kyi from escaping? I think Suu Kyi should be released if Myanmar's government still wants to withheld their internaitonal relationships.


  1. Nice and naive analysis of the Myanmar situation. You mentioned house arrest, yet the trade sanctions from foreign nations are putting Myanmar in an even more extreme house arrest - and both house arrests are to be expected of the reactionary bourgeois world.

  2. very true except the the analysis part. Myanmar is putting itself into a more serious and confined house arrest. Even worse than cuba.

  3. So Aung Sung Suu Kyi was arrested by the government, while "Myanmar is putting itself" under arrest? The aggressor here, if there really is one, is the foreign force of imperialism trying to mess around with the country - just like the regime is trying to mess around with her.

  4. oh, and where is my megan fox?? 0.0
