Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What is Obama's next step???

Obama was elected president.... yes, that we all know. But what many of us question is what will really be his next step. He had proven himself full of hopeful plans and a strong team that is going to "lead the world through the crisis". 

But now thinking back, I live in Taiwan, our current president is Mr. Ma. Just like Obama, more than 50% of our citizen voted for him as president. And everyone in our country is expecting "New President, New Change", and that didn't work out, Taiwan is still in an economy crisis and only getting worse. So same goes for Obama, during his candidate running period, "Yes we can" was the phrase, everyone is giving him too much expectations, and if he really starts his president of the USA, disappointment might start to show.

These are just a bunch of "if" in my opinion, not offending anyone's thought or beliefs.

So, what do you guys think will be Obama's first step (or thing he will do) when he starts stationing himself in the White House?????

Lastly of course, America, Yes We Can!!!


  1. People will inevitably be disappointed in Obama. Note that what he promised and still promise is not "Change Right Now That Will Make All of Us Rich", but "Change That We Will All Need to Work Hard to Achieve". Much in the same way, Ma did not promise anything he is not doing now.

    There is not one thing that Obama will do. He cannot fight the current situation focusing on only one issue.

    America, Yes We Can, but Will We?
