Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Russia reopens pipes but little flowing to Ukraine (My own reword+opinion)

(Edited by admin to be more aesthetically pleasing.)
From what I've read, it has been known that after a whole week of cut-off gas in Ukraine, Russia had finally reopened the pipes.
But even if the pipes are opened, very little amount are flowing. This is a very critical situation especially when it is currently winter, with tons of snow falling wherever you go. Citizens of Ukraine does not have enough energy to power or heat-up their house. The rumor that Russia bought was Ukraine had been "siphoning" gas into their country without the payment to Russia. But Ukraine tried to make clear it is impossible to transport them into their country without breaking them down into regions or, in my opinion getting "noticed". Ukraine asked for a total of 350 million cubic meters per day, but Russia only gave 1 million cubic meters per hour, which is only 6 percent of Ukraine's goal.

What I think:
Russia's decisions are correct, if Ukraine really is guilty for the natural gas, then Ukraine has to be responsible for their behavior and which means tough luck to it's citizens. But I think it is just as cruel of Russia to watch families of Ukraine die from cold and get sick due to the lack of gas (which heats up the room...etc.). So Russia, for the best of both countries (for now), just reopen available gas lines to Ukraine and at least give them a chance to settle down.

news source: ... eopens.htm
(My writing reworded)


  1. This is a direct result of the fall of the Soviet Union. Ukraine, and some other former SSRs, are never able to become really "independent", with their lack of sufficient natural resources. They wanted freedom, what do they have now?

    With more and more privatization of Chinese companies, this could happen if Taiwan becomes "independent", but only if the PRC gives in to that. The PRC will not allow that to happen, so feel safe from any energy crises if you are in Taiwan.

  2. what u said about taiwan here is finally right
