Thursday, January 15, 2009

Disgrace to Mankind

Sigh! Again another gaffe of Prisoner Chen Shui-bian.

Today, we can see on the news that the media recorded a clip of Chen Shui-bian running, stretching, and exercising.

This is:

1)Vandalism to humanity and fitness: Chen runs too slowly, showing a bad example for those who are training cross-country
2)Vandalism to the vision and media: Chen stretches improperly and the wrong muscles.
3)Disgrace to mankind: Mankind should not bother to see Chen again.

Sigh! Chen Shui-bian, does it again!


  1. 不想看就把眼睛挖掉..............
    or just don't turn on the TV

  2. 不想看就把眼睛挖掉

    That was what I said about the flag...

    You are very good at copying things from me.
