Monday, January 5, 2009

Ex-President Chen (Part 1)

Down the asphalt pavement
There lies a ball point pen
It signed the 930,000,000 contract
Of Ex-president Chen

In the cement courtroom
Shouting sounds have feared the hen
Chen Yun-Nan struck the mallet
And detained Former President Chen

There 2630 sat in gloom
Like a broken tapestry on a loom
He refused to ingest a single grain
In his tiny prison cell room

His mind was filled with complexity
His brain needed to be mended
He failed to understand the law
And therein his career ended.

Even when detained he'd not regret
He just called a 'veternarian' a 'vet'
The most dismal days he'd ever met
He wonder whether his future was set

"I used to have much glory"
"I've got to blame my friend Ben"
"I'hope my family doesn't worry"
"About Former President Chen"

Just the sunshine that shines early
But it need not be so downright surely
Chen looked out the window and said,
"It was only my wife merely!"

(Some editing done by Johnson Deng)

(To be continued)

1 comment:

  1. A good poem overall, except with a weird meter and some arbitrary references.

    My official definition of you now is: pan-blue libertarian poet.
