Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 CE

With some help from Wikipedia, I have compiled a list of major events that happened in year 2008 of the Common Era.

January 2 - Price of petroleum hits 100USD per barrel.
January 25 - China's worst snowstorm since 1954.
February 17 - Kosovo declares independence from Serbia.
February 20 - US Navy shoots down spy satellite.
February 24 - Raul Castro elected President of Cuba.
March 14 - Violent riots by Tibetan separatists in Lhasa.
May 3 - Over 133,000 are killed by Cyclone Nargis in Burma.
May 12 - Over 69,000 are killed by the Sichuan Earthquake.
May 28 - The Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal is established.
June 12 - ARATS and SEF holds meeting in Beijing.
June 27 - Bill Gates retires from Chairman of Microsoft.
July 7 - 34th G8 Summit.
July 11 - IndyMac is placed in conservatorship.
August 3 - Stampede at temple in India kills 162 and injures 400.
August 4 - Uyghur separatists kill 16 and injure 16 police in Xinjiang.
August 7 - 2008 South Ossetia War begins.
August 8 - Beijing Olympics starts.
September 8 - Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are placed in conservatorship.
September 10 - Proton beam of the LHC, in CERN, circulates for the first time.
September 15 - Lehman Brothers files for bankruptcy.
September 25 - Shenzou 7 is launched.
September 29 - INDU drops 777.68 points.
September 30 - Stampede at temple in India kills 224 and injures 400.
October 3 - President Bush signs Emergency Economic Stabilization Act.
October 22 - India launches Chandrayaan 1.
November 3 - ARATS arrives in Taiwan.
November 4 - Barack Obama is elected 44th President of the United States of America.
November 12 - Former-President Chen is detained.
November 22 - APEC meeting in Peru.
November 25 - Protestors seize control over two airports in Thailand.
November 26 - Series of terrorist attacks in Mumbai kill 164 and injures 250.
December 6 - Greek boy is shot by police; anti-government riots spread in Greece.
December 15 - Three Links officially starts between Taiwan and China mainland.
December 23 - Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan arrive in Taiwan.
December 27 - Israel initiates series of air strikes against Gaza strip, killing over 345 and injuring 1,6000.
December 30 - Former-President Chen is detained again.

Happy New Year; and superstitious folks, don't forget to do your wish-making, and rabbiting!


  1. What is "rabbiting"? We giants wanna know.

    Happy mortal-year 2009 (which is Year 9,816.5 in the Valley of the Jolly)!

    Ho Ho Ho,
    Jolly Green Giant

  2. Rabbiting is the process of saying "rabbit, rabbit, rabbit", each first day of every month.

  3. nice job, must have taken u a long time

    sorry i was so inactive, i was in japan. On the news they mentioned chen goin back to lock-up
