Tuesday, December 30, 2008


It is the fourth day since Israel started air-raiding and performing ground operations in the Gaza Strip, in response to rockets fired from Gaza into Israel. And it is still going on. The official goal of Israel is to eliminate Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement) completely.

The Gaza rocket and mortar fires (more than 250 of them) killed 4 and injured more than 20 in Israel, which must have looked to Israeli politicians as election fodder. Possible candidates for prime minister for the Israel election in February are the Foreign Minister and Defense Minister - both supporters of the air strikes. According to source below, 81% of Israelis backed the assault.

USA Today article: http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2008-12-29-Israel_N.htm

But what of real effects of the operations? Hamas is not one single person that can be assasinated, and Israel is not going to come close in wiping out Hamas by military means. Even if all the Hamas buildings in Gaza are blown to pieces, support for it would not suddenly disappear. From, the source below, the strikes are most possibly achieving the opposite effect and are rekindling support for Hamas (ah, this reminds me of Bush's preemptive strikes).

Washington Post article: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/story/2008/12/29/ST2008122902751.html

Well, from a humanitarian point of view this attack was terrible, as are all wars. At least 360 Palestinians were killed, and more than 1,690 were injured. The injured are also facing big problems with Israel closing the borders, limiting medical resources getting to needy hospitals. How many more need to be hurt before both Israel and Hamas can settle? Hamas does not want to settle, becasue, well, Israel is attacking it. And Israel does not want to settle because Hamas is attacking it, and well, that Hamas exists.

APF article: http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5gfiT8Cg2IT0vxuuMYu5864tEzLfw

Pray for the victims.

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