Tuesday, December 30, 2008


After the Supreme Court ruled against the original district court's no-bail release of former-President Chen Shui-bien, and two unsuccessful 聲押庭, the Taipei District Court ruled to place Chen in custody once more (with no visit restrictions). The 聲押庭 was more than 12 hours long and spanned through the night, starting from yesterday afternoon. Everyone there must have been very tired. This morning 400, Chen returns to 北所. Because visitors are allowed, he is sent to 孝一舍, with his number 2185 (no significant symbolism for the number this time).

As to some people wanting Chen to pay bail: that would be useless. First, to have him give bail would require the amount of money to be quite large; but with Chen still holding on to his innocent stance, he would not show he has that much money. Then, without paying, he would be detained, and so it would serve no purpose. If somehow, he does pay, then he would be free to run around, inhibiting the investigation process.

RTI article: http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/081230/58/1c1ko.html


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