Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Calendar of 桃園縣

On the Yahoo Taiwan news it says that the 桃園縣議會 has printed wrong calendars for the public (each year, the 議會 of every city will give out calendars to people). The calendars 把七月一日列為「回歸日」、十月一日列為「國慶日」.

It was a big mistake; the workers that printed those calendars shouldn't just copy from the internet. But in the news, it also says that some ELEMENTARY students (小學生) went home and told their parents that 「明年七月一日共匪就要來了,怎麼辦?」.

I'm not sure how Taiwan's elementary students would know that July 1st is the Hong Kong 回歸日, that's very weird. Also why would they think on the 回歸日 the people of PRC will attack us? So I think the DPP legislator (薛凌) who announced this news had either used some wrong information or maybe her data is just not correct.

Of course now the 桃園縣議會 is printing new calendars.


  1. I am very doubtful of the student's comment. Secondly, PRC does not equal 共匪; and really nobody attacked Hong Kong on 回歸日. In addition, we all have to remember that Hong Kong is still an SAR: the commies are not doing politics there yet.

  2. Though PRC does not = 共匪, 共匪 usually are poeple of the PRC. And that is what the students said, not me. Also it didn't say that anyone is attacking Hong Kong. It only says that some crazy Taiwanese students thought that 共匪 are attacking. Which is very weird.

  3. Yes, and it is very weird we are still discussing this weird thing.
