Wednesday, November 5, 2008


The sudden visibility of policemen and policewomen (there are quite a lot of them), makes a lot of people say it is "over-policing". There is no "over-policing"; there is only "under-policing", "just-right-policing" (which we have now), and Stalin.

The current level of police forces is just about right, with all the riots and few actual peaceful protests. Once again, Chinese are not dumb. The police were stationed because they knew there were going to be protests. On the other hand, there might be some protesters who went to protest because they wanted to provoke the police.

Of course, the police could improve on several points:

1. Allow people to fly the ROC flag or other expression of speech, with the exception when it might further fuel a riot (those zealots of green who became ROC patriots overnight).

2. Be more hasty and skilled in capturing someone. When the capture is slow it seems like the person being captured is struggling in pain. There also could be use of pressure point tapping or tranquilizer guns: there will be no wounds for zealots of green to whine about.

3. Be smarter about who to inhibit. If the person is weak and isolated from crowds and well off from partition lines, let him or her be.

Still, I think the police overall did an acceptable job of maintaining peace. People should be much more grateful than they are now.


  1. yeah, but the 3rd point im not sure

    cuz last time 1 french guy actually got to scream rite infront of Mr. Chen

  2. The French guy would not have seemed weak if he was screaming in front of Mr. Chen.

    What I am trying say in this point is that the police is not able to have total prevention of every possible riots, so they should concentrate on more possible riot-starters.
