Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I rather underestimated the scale of the many riots in Taipei. If the masses of angry green people with no particular purpose continue to cause chaos and sometimes violence, I would rather support putting Taipei under martial law.

In response to the incident at the CD store (watch the news or read the newspaper if you do not know what I am talking about), I want to say that it was based on good intentions from the police, but they failed to do their job well. First, the store was playing a song from a 台灣之歌 CD. I do not personally think there is anything provocative in that song. The police, as I like to point out, had much more experience than normal civilians in finding potential riot-catalysts. Furthermore, there was already a crowd and news reporters there seemed to know something was going to happen. So I think the police was justified in trying to prevent a riot from forming (it was very close to where 陳雲林 was).

However, the police could have been much smarter in handling it. They did manage to disperse the possibly-violent crowd with a human-shield-wall, though leaving angry people and a broken gate at the CD store.

Still, if all the riots go on like this, Taipei will have no other option but resort to martial law.

A message to Steve: 你們這些暴民!

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