Tuesday, November 11, 2008

陳水扁 Meets the Tough Test

Today 陳水扁 was accused of crimes that led his greed for money. 陳水扁 says that he was a "political criminal, not guilty, and 加油 Taiwan." Raising his cuffs up in the air for 15 seconds. Then was slightly pushed into the car. Officials report that they have witnesses, and proof. Forming a 100 questions for 陳水扁 but like they say, a good soldier never goes to the battlefield without preparation, for a lawyer and the ex-president of Taiwan he was ready for the tough road.


  1. He had experience living in the prison.

    Hope he has fun.

  2. i saw this on the news...

    i dont know to be happy or sad

    but anywayz, nice writing wes!
