Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Taiwan ex-president held over corruption claims

Former President Chen Shui-bian of Taiwan was led away in handcuffs Tuesday after six hours of questioning by prosecutors. The ex-president held his cuffed hands up for journalists to see and shouted "Political persecution! Long live Taiwan!"

It is now obvious that he is guilty for what he had done, and of course whatever decisions he had made, he will be responsible for his own actions. He had been "sitting pretty" for the years as the president. Biting billions from citizens each year, it is still fairly clear that we will never be able to trace back all the money he "貪", but the good news is that he'll be lock-up in a hell lot of years. This is not about "Green" or "Blue" anymore, this is about justice, and it is all what our country currently needs!

Everything by Eddie

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