Tuesday, November 11, 2008


陳水扁 will be carrying the 十字架 of the crime of greed in corruption. It is not the cross Jesus Christ was carrying, but the one the two criminals beside him were carrying. The first time he was incarcerated, it really was due to "political oppression". Now, he is incarcerated because he is corrupt.

Another DPP politician is in prison currently, and is hailed by the DPP as an "Aung San Suu Kyi". The DPP is really good at making themselves seem like victims of oppression, especially in recent times when there is no oppression at all. All the talking about the "beaten-up protesters" just reinforces this. The DPP should be renamed the "Demagogues' Pitying Party". They will not change to praise or be grateful of people with different view from them, they only know to criticize in the long-gone past.

On the other hand, there are still KMT members who cannot change their perception of the PRC. There was an 80 year old man, a member of the KMT, who set fire to himself to protest the ARATS visit just outside the "Wild Strawberries" protest. He is in the hospital now. Pray for him and others who cannot change their views for the better of China.

When there is a strong wind, the rigid trees will be uprooted, while the flexible bamboo will bend around the wind and still stay in the ground. The times they are a'changin'. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vou4qUu5YY&NR=1)


  1. I saw the news of the self-burning thing too.

    I thought it's柳條and not bamboo...

  2. Bamboo is more exclusively Chinese ...
