Monday, November 3, 2008


Several DPP officials and civilians appearing on 民視 and other greener channels commented that the abundance of police protecting 陳雲林 is similar to the condition during the martial law days.

Here are some points I want to point out:

1) We are not under martial law.

2) The police always exists, it is just gathered in one place.

3) The police was not gathered in one place during martial law. That would have been a strategical blunder.

4) Responding to claims that the protection wasted a lot of tax money: the police would be paid even if they were not stationed for maintaining control.

5) Martial law is necessary when it is necessary. If this seems like martial law to some uneducated people, it does not really matter: it is needed.

6) If there were substantially less police forces around the hotel and the meeting building, the two buildings would probably be burning right now - no - they would have finished burning already.

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