Monday, November 3, 2008


陳雲林 is still alive and well. There were no assassination attempts. I tip my hat to the many policemen and policewomen maintaining peace around him. May they not be too tired to perform their duties for the time the ARATS chairman is here.

I also tip my hat to the several protesters who were speaking up for themselves (their own unreasoned selves). I would have been surprised if nobody protested at all. One person was saying, "台灣中國,一邊一國". This is absurd, for the PRC has no intentions or need to annex Taiwan. If for some reason it does, they would not be sending diplomats but missiles.

One issue he will be talking about with his talk with 馬英九 (or rather 馬 with 陳), is the disarmament of missiles "pointed at Taiwan". Mainland's "disarmament", if an agreement is reached, will be purely diplomatic. First of all, Chinese people are not stupid enough to make missiles that can only fire at one place. When the mainland "points the missiles" away from Taiwan, the missiles are still perfectly functional. Secondly, I again point out that Chinese people in the PRC are not stupid enough to send a diplomat somewhere and then blow the place up.

Much more important issues that were discussed with the SEF include: direct air and sea shipping, more direct postal services, and very importantly food safety. Details of the meeting will follow.

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