Thursday, November 6, 2008

50, 150 YEARS AGO

The results of the 2008 presidential election has major implications (note: There are still some states that did not finish counting votes yet). Barack Obama is the first African-American president-elect. Just 50 years ago Americans were segregated by race. Just about 150 years ago ("just" is used in light of China's long history), people could have owned Obama as a slave. America has come a long way.

Let us not forget about China. About 50 years ago, Taiwan was still oppressed by the defeated KMT government wanting to gain control. There was an anti-PRC (and secretly an anti-KMT) sentiment all around. The mainland 50 years ago, on the other hand, was war-torn and held false hopes for a soon-to-fail system. 150 years ago in Taiwan, the Han was fighting with the aboriginese "savages"; the Hakka was fighting with the Min-nan. The mainland 150 years ago was in the midst of the Disapora. The Opium Wars were fighting. Parts of China were peeled of and fed to foreign nations. The Taiping Rebelion, Hakka-Punti Clan Wars, and many other failed rebelions poured blood onto the soil of China.

How far have we Chinese come?

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