Friday, November 14, 2008


In an interview with USA Today, President Ma asserts once again that Taiwan's shaking hands with China is not selling Taiwan:


He also said that, "台灣已是一個完全民主化的社會,不同民眾有不同意見". He points out that democracy guarantees views that are different. However, there is still only one truth and one best way for the people. People can go on the streets and shout all day about how Taiwan is sold to China, but educated people will know the truth. The green zealots can be eating made-in-China food and using made-in-China air horns to protest, for they have their right to stupidity.

This democracy-granted-stupidity is not only seen in Taiwan. All over the world ignorant people have protested to "Free Tibet". Their ignorance can be seen by how some of them do not even know where Tibet is. Also, the very basic fact they were supporting violent riots against the government shouts out their ignorance.

There is one absolute truth: in a true democracy, there are bound to be outspoken idiots. The government has a responsibility to let the public know how the outspoken idiots are just paper tigers. The truth shall set us free.

(Well, there is one other absolute truth, that prevails over all else: God and his amazing grace.)

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