Friday, November 14, 2008

Different Outcome

The lawyer of the ex-president Chen was shocked of the outcome after the court. He thought he had the uppper hand of the case because the other side, police department, stop a lot of times and couldn't answer some of the questions. However, Chen was still held custody.


  1. good, i thought his lawyer is so smart, i thought he will be able to make way for Chen, but seems like he failed!

  2. Former President Chen is apparently on a hunger strike to protest his "unjust", "unfair" and "politically motivated" detention.

    However, if my delicious vegetables were placed before him (e.g., Cream Style Sweet Corn (TM)), Mr. Chen, no doubt, would wolf them down within seconds. And then ask for more.

    Ho, Ho, Ho,
    Jolly Green Giant
