Friday, November 14, 2008


Several newspapers and internet sources implies that former-president Chen is in jail. This is completely false. He has not yet been tried, due to the cleverness of him and his accomplices. He is being detained in somewhat of a police station. Many people were celebrating his detention. But what is there to celebrate? The real celebration should come when all goes smoothly and Chen and his corrupted friends are lawfully punished.

This might not happen as Chen is starting his "hunger strike". His big belly reveals he usually eats a lot, and that the sudden absence of food might make him suffer. Of course, he stated in his "manifesto" (it is an insult for the the Communist Manifesto to share common words with it) that he would be willing to go to prison for Taiwan. I am sure he will also be willing to starve for us also, as when he gets skinnier tax money does not have to pay for his food.

1 comment:

  1. yeah for some reason he really is starving himself
