Thursday, November 6, 2008


Obama made very clear in his speech on election night that America's economy will suddenly become all fixed. As according to Yahoo Finance, there are some of the many challenges America and Obama as president will have to face:
  • The deficit will be more than $1 trillion a year for several years
  • The country needs a massive new fiscal stimulus
  • The housing market will continue to decline through at least 2010
  • Interest rates and taxes will eventually have to rise (after the economy stabilizes)
  • Weak corporations have to be allowed to fail
  • Millions of homeowners will lose their house
  • Unemployment will probably rise to 10%
  • The government simply cannot "bail the country out" -- not because it lacks the will, but because it lacks the power
He needed to tell people not to get false hopes. Of course, there are a lot of people who say that he was dishonest in not saying this. They need to know Obama was still a politician.

There are also a lot of people (red wealthy comment-authors on Yahoo Finance) who think Obama will not bring any change at all to America. This reminds me very well of what people thought and still think about 馬英九.

馬英九 has already opened Taiwan up for the ARATS talks. He was and still is an effective president of the ROC. Obama too, I am sure, will fullifill his promise to America.

Yes, it will be a tough road, but nontheless:


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