Monday, December 15, 2008

Flying Shoes and George Bush?

Today when Bush was taking a speech in Iraq. Suddenly, this random newspaper editor threw "both" of his shoes straight at Bush when he got onto the stage. Bush was quick dodging both of them. Later quoting, "so what, a shoe, that's all." However, he doesn't notice in Muslim culture when you throw a shoe at someone it is the worst insult.


  1. He said, "So what, a shoe, that's all," because while throwing shoes is the worst Muslim insult, throwing a rock or grenade would hurt a lot more.

    The guy has a nice throw, very accurate.

  2. But Bush probably is very good at dodgeball. Also, I think he knew that throwing shoes is the worst Muslim insult. If he didn't, he does know it now.

  3. Good for him, practice makes perfect. He'll be better and docking.
