Tuesday, November 18, 2008


One of the major goals of the DPP is the independence of "Taiwan". Their vision is for a "Republic of Taiwan", with seats in the UN, WHO, and WTO, peacefully coexisting with the People's Republic of China.

This is not possible, for exactly the moment the Republic of China is renamed to "ROT" (fitting name), missiles will suddenly magically start flying from the mainland. With their past (and current) history of going against the law, the DPP probably does not realize the PRC will not break the anti-secession law. The DPP's vision is not possible also, thankfully, because 馬英九 is the president of the ROC. His policy of the "three no's": 不統,不獨,不武, is quite needed right now.

Even if somehow the DPP ROT vision is possible, it must not be fulfilled due to the following reasons (in no particular order):

- Taiwan is part of China. No, the ROC is not part of the PRC and will not be anytime soon; but Taiwan, as a region and culture is part of Greater China. By declaring indepence, Taiwan is also declaring its abandonment of more than 5000 thousand years of history.

- The UN, WHO, and WTO currenttly do not do much but make delayed comments about things. Another post might follow about the unnessecity to be a part of these organizations.

- There are much more pressing issues than sovereignty right now. The Taiwan economy needs to stabalize itself, education needs reform to meet the new smaller generation, and 黑金 politics needs to end.


  1. thomas, you are the truly 共匪

  2. I take 共匪 as a compliment, as currently this term merely refers to supporters of the PRC.

    中華民國萬歲! 中華人民共和國萬歲! 大中國萬歲!
