Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Obama's Promise and the Estimation Of New York City and State

From Vigils Of Reason's post, Obama said that he's going to create 2.5 million (2,500,000) more jobs by January of 2011; from the Yahoo (Taiwan) news, New York State and also the NYC estimate that more than 230 thousand (230,000/9.2 percent of the jobs Obama promised to create) of people that work in the city and state (only the city and state, not other part of the US.) will lose their job by the year 2010 due to the tumble of economy in Wall Street.


  1. I think your "but" is used incorrectly. Obama himself said unemployment will continue to rise. Nobody can suddenly create 2.5 million jobs; it takes time.

    Tumble of economy in Wall Street? The economy would be much simpler to save if all it is only the stock market.

  2. My grammar sucks anywy. Also, I said the 'tumble of economy in Wall Street" didn't mean only the stock market. There are also many companies on Wall Street (the street) and in NYC (Wall Street can represent the NYC) are shut.

  3. Also, I didn'y say Obama SUDDENLY creates the jobs, I said by the year 2011, three years from now.

  4. True, true. "Wall Street" can be misleading.

    I did not say you said Obama will "SUDDENLY creates the jobs". I merely pointed out that rise in unemployment does not contradict creating jobs.

    It is all because you used the word "but".

  5. OK. Whatever, now I delete the "but" word.
