Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Did Aliens Really Came to The Earth

Here's a funny news in Yahoo (Taiwan):

it said that the former President of United States, President Carter has really seen an UFO flying over his head.

It also said that the sixth man on the moon, Edgar Mitchell (I've learn lots of things about him in the Space camp, he's the pilot of the Lunar Module) has seen an alien. They siad that Mitchell claims that the ETs already have full conversations with the human kind.



  1. UFO does not mean aliens. Jimmy Carter probably just saw Russian spies saying hello to their left-wing friend.

    (I cannot access the website because the school is now blocking all news sites, for some unusual reason. Or it might be ETs.)

  2. The big budget the government gives to the NASA program seems like a waste (to me it did), when the money could be spent on more earthly matters. But thinking about it, there are many scientists who cannot really work anywhere else but NASA due to their expertise.

  3. Due to over-population, resource depletion, environmental degradation,etc., you earthlings will be compelled to migrate to distant planets. Furthermore, technology developed through such programs have valuable every-day applications (check out So NASA programs clearly have a long-term benefit for you humans (including astronauts and non-astronauts).

    I also forecast there will, one day, be a Martian Vally of the Jolly where one can munch on Green Giant Space-Farmed Corn .

    Ho Ho Ho,
    Jolly Green Giant

  4. Just one example out of many. (By the way, the inventor-dude seems highly intelligent - he must have consumed mucho Green Giant vegetable

    Inducted Technology
    Cochlear Implant

    In 1977, Adam Kissiah, Jr., a hearing-impaired engineer working at the NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC), patented technology that has been used in digital implantable hearing aids. He developed the technology using the skills and knowledge of electronic sensing systems, telemetry, and sounds and vibrations sensors he acquired during his work on the Space Shuttle program. Mr. Kissiah's invention was an important advancement over traditional analog hearing devices, which simply amplify the sound entering the ear. These systems were insufficient for the profoundly deaf, so Mr. Kissiah described a system that would produce digital pulses to stimulate the auditory nerve endings, in turn transmitting the signals directly to the brain for interpretation as sound. In the 1980s, Mr. Kissiah signed an agreement with BIOSTIM, Inc. for commercial development of this invention. A viable product was developed and tested but was not successful in the marketplace at that time. Subsequently, many hearing aid producers incorporated some of the ideas described in Mr. Kissiah's patent into their cochlear implant products. This type of implant has been used to help restore first time hearing in many persons who were profoundly deaf from birth and for restoration of hearing in persons who were post-lingually rendered deaf by trauma or disease but who have a responsive auditory nerve. Social benefits include improved speech development and a better quality of education for children; more career options for young adults; and more stable employment for adults. A patient's overall quality of life and range of opportunities are enhanced through the use of this technology. The Cochlear Implant Association estimates over 66,000 patients have received an implant in this multi-billion dollar industry.

    Ho Ho Ho,
    From the Valley of the Jolly,
    Jolly Green Giant :-D

  5. I take back my statement about the money used by NASA program seeming like a waste, and instead offer that the NASA space program might seem like a waste.

    It is not.

    Some other items invented by "accident" because of NASA:

    - Velcro
    - reheated food
    - cordless power tools
    - digital processing techniques for things like CAT and MRI scans
    - kidney dialysis machines

    This is not counting purely space-specific scientific accomplishments.
