Friday, November 7, 2008


Just tonight many "students" (they look like a bunch of elders), lied down on the middle of the road somewhere in Taiwan and protested to change the assembly laws. Very obviously DPP-mentally-corrupted people are doing this.

From what I heard, they are protesting to modify assembly laws. Currently the laws make unregistered assemblies of people (including them) illegal. Since they are obstructing traffic, they are probably also protesting all traffic laws, too.

This is just another example of how the DPP is becoming headless. First of all, the chairwoman 蔡 has no sense of what peaceful protest is, and blames gangsters for all the violence. (Gangsters have more sense than to try to kill people.) Secondly, a lot of legislators now are stirring up "Taiwan-patriotism" among constituencies to win in the next election. All these protests have no real purpose.

When the Democratic Progressive Party was created many years ago, it was an embodiment of true democracy and defiance to totalitarian rule by the KMT. It, in an indirect way, forced the ROC into the democracy it is today. What is the DPP now? A bunch of "enviromentally-friendly", corrupted, anti-China, violent, torn-apart, ignorant, idol-worshiping, polytheistic, democratically anti-progressive, selfish "Taiwanese". I think this really is very sad.

The KMT, on the other hand, was and still is the real progressive party. After gaining control during the White Terror, the KMT had God create ecomonic miracles in Taiwan. Following the illegal democratic movement (including the early DPP), the KMT made social reforms in the ROC by lifting martial law, and simply became more democratic.

Throughout about 100 years, the KMT has fulfilled 三民主義. Also, with the new "alliance" with mainland, I think 蔣中正 will be happy. His anti-commie sentiments were needed because the PRC was devastating China. Now the two sided of Chinese are together, all the founders and members of the KMT (all hail 孫中山!) would be glad.


  1. Well, don't you think saying all those adj.s to the DPP will make them attack you?(It's all the gangs' fault, not ours)

    Well, if國父is still alive and he sees the news, he will die again.

  2. Yes, he would probably die from a heart attack.
