Friday, November 7, 2008


After watching the news for a while, I realized the "students" were college students, and were not on the street. They were at most obstructing the sidewalk.

I want to apologize for making false accusations to the students; but here comes more. Firstly, their very protest was illegal. Of course, they could justify this by saying it was illegal because of the assembly laws they want to reform. Then there comes the issue of the assembly laws.

The laws stating that you have to register with the government perhaps remind people of the martial law days. It is still needed when people do not know what they are protesting about. This will give the police the mandate of the law to capture and arrest violent agents.

The mandate of law sometimes can work oppositely. Because the strike of the students was illegal, the police had no choice but to forcefully take them away.

From this, people who want change (unreasonable change sometimes) can learn that the sword and illegal actions will attract attention and criticism, but will not speak more clearly than a well-written petition.

Specifically for this certain case of student strike, I think the police should let them be. If they were let alone they would go home pretty soon to take a shower and sleep, as they were already out for about 30 hours.

1 comment:

  1. If the police let them stay there, they can still sleep there and people supported them with food.

    If it rains then it wil lbe fun to watch them.

    P.S. I saw them on my way to school that morning.
