Wednesday, November 19, 2008


This is from the blog, 3 reasons why Hillary Clinton should not and may not be Secretary of State:

  1. Her expertise is not in foreign policy. She would be better suited for a cabinet position focusing on health care or education. She would even be a fine Attorney General.
  2. She is needed as a senator. The Democrats in the senate desperately need new leadership. Icons Kennedy, Inouye, and Byrd will all retire or die within the next two years. Biden is gone and Harry Reid must be replaced immediately (another story). With the next in line being the competent but unimpressive Chris Dodd, Hillary could easy emerge as the leading voice for progressive politics in the senate. She is the obvious heir to Ted Kennedy's political legacy.
  3. Although Obama really owes her (she delivered him her base on November 4th) I am sure the President-Elect would prefer someone else as Secretary of State. Having run on a platform of change and bipartisanship, Obama would surely prefer to appoint a Republican (or certainly a centrist) to the position.
Hillary Clinton has a choice to make. She can take the plunge and go for glory or she can hold back and take the reins in the next chapter of the Democrats' history. The choice is hers, but I believe it is clear.

- source:

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