Wednesday, November 19, 2008



First of all, nobody has called all DPP supporters are violent.
With "蔡英文:馬英九逼人民上街頭 才是最大暴力", I want to give an "examplem absurdum". A builder builds a house. Someone else looks at the house and does not like it. He takes his lighter and burns the house down. Then later the arsonist blames the builder for the fire, for not building the house according to the his will. (Also, Tsai needs to have more Chinese lessons, in order to learn that improving Taiwan is not violence.)

For "citizens be the scapegoats", I want to say that not that many people were actually at the riots, and likewise with people who support the riots. Again, Mr./Mrs. Long-live-Taiwan, just because you support violence with the DPP leader, it does not mean every citizen does.

Finally, your final point deserves to get some actual discussion. But discussion ends here. Rights to freedom of expression were in fact violated, but only in light of the common good. Thinking about this, the right to provoke others into violence is not a right anymore, for rights are only rights when the common good is maintained. One of the main purposes of 三民主義, and hence the ROC, is acheiving 大同 (yes, the second line of the anthem).

All in all, if some of you are really disappointed at Ma, why do I not see anyone even trying to impeach him? With so many votes in our poll to "impeach him now", why is not anybody doing anything? Or are anti-Ma's smart enough to know their views are not smart enough?

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