Monday, November 24, 2008


This is in response to the recent post by "Dragon Son123".

The vouchers are hurting the consumerist sector of the economy by a little right now, but only right now and by a little. Plus, the revenue "lost" would at least be all returned when the vouchers do come out. Furthermore, many of the "lost" costumers are deciding to buy things only because of the vouchers. No matter what, in the long run, the vouchers will benefit at least the consumerist sector of the economy, which in turn affects everything else.

Also, for some selfish swing-voters, this policy might be the first thing they think the Ma administration did well.

The real challenge facing the government for the vouchers is paying back for them. There is going to be about an added 82,900,000,000 NTD deficit to offset.

(Just as a side note: The stock market today made a dangerous nose dive, and then soared up again to be down 10.56 points (0.25%) from Friday.)

1 comment:

  1. As long as the vouchers can be used to purchase Green Giant corn, Green Giant green bean, etc., I fully support such economic stimulus plan (despite being green -physically that is). :-)

    From the Valley of the Jolly,
    Ho, Ho, Ho,
    Jolly Green Giant!
