Sunday, January 11, 2009


This is inspired by the funny racist song "Barack the Magic Negro", and the series of poems/songs previous to this post.

(To be sung in tune of "Puff the Magic Dragon" and with a Beijing accent)

Ma the Magic Chinaman, lives in Taipei.
They say he really is Chinese,
And so "Don’t support him at all!"
His skin is yellow like mine,
And speaks English just like me.
The pan-greens say he’s a gong-fei,
And friendly to our Beijing.

But wait, let me see,
If Ma is really Chinese.
He’s born on Hong Kong island,
And went to some weird Harvard school.

Oh, Ma the Magic Chinaman, lives in Taipei.
He’s never came to our Mainland,
And he’s liked by many Taiwanese,
Oh it really saddens me,
To learn he "only loves Taiwan",
And he would "even die in Taiwan",
And not care about us Chinese.

(Barack the Magic Negro:

(I do not endorse racism at all. My song is in no way racist.)


  1. I think your English is better than his.

  2. Are you talking about "He speaks English just like me"? Well, that is supposed to be sung "with a Beijing accent", and from the point of view of a mainlander. His pronunciation I think is definitely not as good as mine. But I do not think my English as in ENGLISH is in any other way better than Ma's.
