Monday, November 10, 2008


The student protesters at the CKS memorial are now calling themselves the "wild strawberries". They quite obviously associate themselves with the Wild Lily Protest in 1990 (just a year after the June 4 Incident at 天安門), especially since it also took place at the CKS memorial.

The Wild Lilies demanded that the president of the ROC should be elected by popular vote, and not by KMT elites of the 國民大會. Then-president 李登輝 invited representatives from the protest to talks in the presidential office. 李登輝總統 agreed to instate a popular election in the ROC (still, only because he knew he would win).

The Wild Lilies really did accomplish something monemental: bringing the voice of the lesser-educated to the government. It was a change that affected all of Taiwan.

What, now, does the "Wild Strawberries" want to accomplish? Simply abolishing or at least amending the 集遊法. How many people will this affect? The very few that want to protest about something so outrageous the government needs to turn it down. How righteous is their cause? Perhaps they think they are walking in the footsteps of 辛亥起義,五四運動,和野百合運動. After all, children should use their imaginations often.