Thursday, November 13, 2008

扁's first day in Lockup

First day:
ex-president Chen, was sent to lockup under the full protection of the polices, yesterday at 0800. He had became the first president to be put in jail in Taiwan's history. During the first day in lockup, he did not touch the food given to him throughout the day, but the police department said he is not aiming for hunger strike. His given number in the lockup is "2630", and since Chen's identity is special, at the same time for his safety reasons, he was allowed to have a cell room to himself privately.

Our ex-president had achieved lots of records, including: "First president to be sent to prison", "Permission to live by himself in the cell room", "not hand-cuffed when entering lockup", and "Bodyguards standing by outside even though Chen is in jail already".

During the medical check in lockup, he mentioned to the medical assistant that his right hand is quite stiff and swell, but the assistant said nothing was wrong and it is not a threat to his life.

Chen you are famous, not only in Taiwan, but in History!


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