Friday, November 28, 2008

The Green Giant

I belive that I post something about the Green Giant yesterday (or the day before yesterday, now is 00:05 in the moring).

If soneone delete that, actually it does matter our furture (the blog rules). I don't throw up to something that is not healthy, and I'm not allergic to spinach, so there is something wrong with the Green Giantspinach. If I'm the Secretary of Health and Human Service, I'll check what's wrong with the spinach.

Though, there corn is really tasty. I think that's why they have corn in Taiwan instead of the spinach. Chinease is smarter.


  1. Well, glad you enjoy our corn! It is carefully tended by our team of mini-green giant corn farmers.

    As to spinach, perhaps one first has to cultivate an appreciation of these tasty deep-green leafy veggies. Plus its chock full of nutritious quality. It is exceptionally rich in carotenoids, including beta-carotene and lutein, and also contains quercetin, a phytochemical with antioxidant properties. Spinach is rich in vitamins and minerals, particularly folate (folic acid), vitamin K, magnesium, and manganese; it also contains more protein than most vegetables! :-D

    Ho Ho Ho,
    From the Valley of the Jolly,

    Jolly Green Giant

  2. Have you tried washing or cooking the spinach?

    How do you know you are not allergic to spinach? Or how do you know you are not allergic to Green Giant Fresh Spinach?

  3. justice of all, who are u

    and would u mind improving your grammer?

    Because you broke one of the rules: Proper English and grammer

    1 warning to you

    please be careful

  4. eddie babes, yea i kno who u r

    da justice of all dont hav good grammer yea

    u n i hav so good proper english

    yea we no hav to improve our gramers



  5. You'll know why I have bad grammar someday if u know who i am, EB.

    To Vigils of Reason, the Green Giant Spinach is canned food, just like the Green Giant Corn. That's why I didn't try to cook that, since I usually don't cook the Green Giant 玉米粒. But maybe I should try to cook it next time I go to the US, though it already looks cooked in the can.

    Also I know I'm not allergic to normal spinach because I don't throw up when I eat spinach at home or in restaurants. I think maybe the Grren Giant adds something in to the spinach (or either my mom and the restausrants add something in to it).

  6. Hey JFR,

    Sorry to hear about your bad experience with our usually well-received & well-ingested Green Giant spinach. My massive green brain informs me that the following my be a possible reason:
    1) It turns out that spinach is one of the foods most commonly associated with allergic reactions. Other foods commonly associated with allergic reactions include: cow's milk, wheat, soy, shrimp, oranges, eggs, chicken, strawberries, tomato, peanuts, pork, corn and beef. Some of the most common symptoms for food allergies include eczema, hives, skin rash, headache, runny nose, itchy eyes, wheezing, gastrointestinal disturbances, depression, hyperactivity and insomnia. Maybe the canning process combined together with the spinach makes you feel queasy.

    2) We insert a healthy dose of Great Giant 'healthy goodness' into each can of our products. Perhaps your health is already so superior that it cannot take any additional dosage. :-(

    Hoping you better luck in the future,
    ho ho ho,
    from the valley of the jolly,
    Jolly Green Giant :-D
