Saturday, November 8, 2008

DPP leader Tsai is irresponsible

Just very recently, Chinese senior official Chen Yun-lin arrived at Taiwan from Mainland to ease cross-strait relationships. However, several uncivilized Taiwanese citizens protested in front of the Yuan-shan hotel. DPP leader Tsai Ing-Wen said that they are just protesting peacefully, but she is not telling the truth. Several people are engaged in a fight with the police force. You call this peaceful? I don't think so. Now, more than 47 police officials are injured, one of them needs to get his hand cut off because it is seriously injured. Some protesters even threw things at the police like dog poo, stones, rocks, even 汽油彈 were threw. This is violence made by the people!!!!! The purpose of Chen Yun-lin's trip to Taiwan is very cultural and mutually beneficial to both Taiwan and China. The protesters are actually harming Taiwan's international image. They do not understand that Chen's trip will benefit themselves too, instead they use violence to try to resolve problems. After Chen left, DPP leader Tsai said that neither the DPP nor herself organized this protest. On the other hand, President Ma says that Tsai cannot first persuade people to fight, and then after violence, say that she did not organize and persuade the Taiwanese people to do so. This is highly irresponsible. Does Tsai even have any morals? Besides, a host should treat their guest with respect. It is clear that Tsai has persuaded the people to do evil, and not take responsibility of the consequences.

There should be more police forces to control the people's violence next time a foreign official comes to Taiwan. It is the government's responsibility to do so and to protect a foreign official at all times!