Thursday, November 6, 2008

DPP Head Leader Denies ALL Cost of Violence

DPP leader 蔡英文 has opened a press conference in DDP headquarters. She says, “Today is a victory." However, switching really fast mood that the people who attacked the police were gangsters to mess up the seen, she explains that she didn't even know who they were. Trying to take the blame away from her. Other politicians have spoken just then stating that蔡英文 is a “cheap, useless, leader, a disgrace for their party and our country.” Now still people stand their in the dark, gloomy night shouting in protest.
My opinion,
暴民!暴民!暴民!暴民!暴民!暴民!暴民!暴民!暴民! Taiwan has fallen into deep chaos, may God be with us.

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